Purpose of Tarot Readings

The purpose of tarot readings can vary depending on the individual seeking the reading. Some common purposes of tarot readings include:

  1. Gaining insight: Tarot readings can provide insight and understanding into a situation or issue, helping individuals to gain clarity and perspective.

  2. Guidance: Tarot readings can offer guidance and direction, helping individuals to make decisions or navigate difficult situations.

  3. Self-discovery: Tarot readings can facilitate self-discovery and personal growth, helping individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their inner workings.

  4. Spiritual connection: Tarot readings can be a tool for spiritual connection and exploration, helping individuals to connect with their higher self or the divine.

  5. Healing: Tarot readings can be a tool for healing, helping individuals to process and release emotions or past traumas.

Ultimately, the purpose of a tarot reading is to provide insight and guidance that can help individuals to navigate their lives with greater clarity, understanding, and purpose.


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