How has releasing helped my life?

Releasing has become a daily part of my routine like brushing my teeth. Why? Because I am very aware of my thoughts now. And if they are not directed towards what I want, I consciously release them. For example, I recently made a decision to end a relationship. The man I dated is a good man, and I feel he will find the perfect partner. I intuitively felt it is not me. Though I am clear about my decision, I noticed the old thoughts of “I am not going to find anyone better, the Universe gave me an opportunity and I turned it down.” “I am getting too old, my time is limited.” Etc. So I reminded myself that these are just thoughts that my mind is suggesting and in the past, I bought them and believed them and kept them close to me for years! Now I am consciously releasing them and life has become very magical and surprising! Yes there are challenges everyday but when I have cleared the mind clutter, fresh new thoughts arise and I make better decisions and I am not bound like a slave to a limiting thought and belief!

Another example is how I have released my limiting beliefs on abundance (and continue to do so!). When you carve our a time to consciously release the thoughts that are in the way, it can literally be instant how the abundance pipe starts to flow like an unclogged sink faucet! Our divine birthright is that we are the abundance, love, health that we have been seeking for incarnations on this planet! When you have a glimpse of the fullness that you really are, you start to want more of that instead of looking on the outside for it and, what you will experience is that what you wanted from the outside world, will drop right into your lap effortlessly when you are fully released! If you are drawn to what I am saying, check out Lester Levinson’s YouTube audios. He is who I get my inspiration to release from!


Why Soulmates Come Back Together


What is releasing?